Feet and the truth

I had a woman come up to me this week who said, “I doubt you can help me with this but I thought I’d ask you….everytime I walk my calf muscles get so sore!  I’ve been to the doctor and physio and nothing is helping me.”

I asked how old her shoes were – explaining that even a shoe that is 6 months old can be so worn on the interior they need replacing. (As I looked down at my own and realized that yeah I need new shoes too!)

She continued, “It doesn’t matter what kind of shoes I have on they all hurt!”


I had her stand infront of me and noticed her arches are starting to fall.

So I asked her if she’s ever looked at the wear pattern at the bottom of her shoes?

Your shoes won’t lie to you!

Sure enough the wear pattern showed she is pronating on her feet (falling in toward the midline)… the big toe sides of her shoes were really worn while the outside edges hardly had any wear.

She said, “I can’t believe I don’t walk properly on my feet! How do I change it?”

Ah… awareness.  I shared that I used to be a stomach sleeper and had to teach myself how to sleep on my side or on my back.  I did it, but it took awhile to reprogram.

Walking is the same.  You have to teach yourself how to use your feet properly again.  And being it’s taken years of being unaware that you are doing so, it will take some time to correct.

I thought it was worth mentioning on this blog.  If you are having some struggles without explanation with the feet, ankles, knees or hips check your shoes!  They won’t lie.



PS.  I might just get the worst reviews on my colouring books  But then others message me to say how great they are.  Funny how art is… you love it or hate it.  I love them. Check it out and go buy one!



Lets talk Lupini beans!

I’ve never had them before and read on one of my Italian friends facebook page about how good they are.

So as I was strolling though the grocery store and saw them thought “sure I’ll try them”.

Never to disappoint all I can say is I’m so doing this again!!!

Here’s what I did, pretty much a potato salad sans the spud

Lupini beans (canned) rinsed well … they are pretty salty but I did add some fresh ground pepper
Red onion
Olive oil
Apple cider vinegar

Its protein in a bowl and frikin awesome!  And gluten free for those who care about that.

Give it a go you won’t be disappointed!




PS.  So the last of this series is complete:   My Chinese Zodiac Colouring Book – The 12 Animals is available on Amazon.  Check it out literally!  LOL


Content to be back at it

Monday finds the Fall session beginning.  Although I enjoy being on holiday I equally enjoy being back to teaching.  I just got this wonderful message from a student:

“You have been missed, though!  I am all signed up for the new session.  You have made such a huge difference in my life.  Thank you”

I’m so very grateful for those who come to the mat to practice with me every week.  It’s amazing to see those who are open to their own vulnerabilities, investigation and exploration.

“Santosha” which is a sanskrit word which can be defined as acceptance, satisfaction or contentment.   And it’s not always something that occurs effortlessly.

This summer found me in a situation with a woman who said to me, “You’re far too happy.”

I had to laugh at that statement.  It hasn’t always been that way.  I explained a portion of my journey to her and it surprised her to hear it.

It has taken years and a ton of work to find Santosha.  And the fact remains that I still struggle with it at times.  For the most part it has been Yoga, Reiki, Pranayama & Meditation practices which helped me to get there.  You know how challenging life can be.  I don’t have to tell anyone that…yet what I can say is contentments can and will be found if you’re willing to do a little work.

Here’s a yoga sequence that may be of interest:  https://www.yogajournal.com/videos/niyamas-santosha-sequence

Om Shanti


PS.  To view my schedule check out my site

PPS. Do you like to colour?  Check out my colouring books

Time to ride the breathe

What a crazy end to the summer watching our neighbours to the south go through so many weather related challenges.  We’ve been sending our thoughts and prayers to everyone effected by these experiences.  And being Sept. 11th, we remember and honour those who have lost their lives.

In these times it’s important to remember to breathe; fully and  deeply.  The mind follows the breath.  Breathing won’t change what you are going through… stress is stress; however it will help the mind to calm within the experience.

As you inhale expand your belly; fill from the bottom to the top.  In this way you are utilizing your full lung capacity.   Release the breath in the opposite manner.

Inhale completely.

Exhale completely.

And without judgement allow yourself to be.

Things will change much is guaranteed.


“Despite illness of body or mind, in spite of blinding despair or habitual belief, who you are is whole.

Let nothing keep you separate from the truth. The soul, illumined from within, longs to be known for what it is.

Undying, untouched by fire or the storms of life, there is a place inside where stillness and abiding peace reside.You can ride the breath to go there.

Despite doubt or hopeless turns of mind, you are not broken. Spirit surrounds, embraces, fills you from the inside out. Release everything that isn’t your true nature. What’s left, the fullness, light and shadow, claim all that as your birthright.”

~Danna Faulds


May this week find you consciously riding the breath


PS.  Hard to believe I’m almost finished this series!  Year of the Goat/Sheep/Ram will be out soon.  Check out the series on Amazon here:


Unexpected Meltdown

I do believe when we transition to the other side we stay close to our loved ones.  I’ve had many experiences since the passing of my brother in 2015 to confirm this for me.  On his birthday I heard the song come through loud and clear, “Best of my love” from The Eagles.  There was so much comfort in that song.  It was as if he sent it to me to remind me of his love.

Grief still comes in waves and I was hit by another yesterday unexpectedly.

Last night my husband was working out to Depeche Mode’s “Forever Young” the wave came.  It got me pretty good.  I was busy doing something else when I was taken back to our teen years when my brother would play this time and again at blustering volume. The words resonated on so many levels and I had to wonder if he somehow knew he wouldn’t make it to his elder years?

This was one meltdown I surely didn’t expect.

I’ve been watching Ram Dass this week at his “Impermanence and the Power of Love” retreat.  And I had to laugh in one of the talks he mentioned that his relationship with Maharajii is so strong even to this day.


He mentioned the relationship is mostly in his imagination; funny.   I receive these words on such a different level now.

Funny how grief does that to you.

Wishing you a great week – may it be filled with love and deep connection.


PS.  After Dave passed I created this



Mercury Shadow


Mercury – that little planet that effects communications in all types.  When he goes retrograde it means he is moving backwards in the sky.  It is said it will effect all forms of communications, contracts and negotiation.  Many things have to be reworked or redone or revisited during retrograde times.  Breakdowns and misunderstandings are the theme.

Now before you say this is all hokey – how often have you heard someone ask, “Is it a full moon or something?  Everyone seems to be acting crazy!”

It’s not all bad news.  Mercury helps to boost creativity and encourages us to slow down. It’s the perfect time for holidays and creative endeavors.

Now some RX if Mercury is effecting your chart big time….

  1. Smudge – you could use sage, lavender/salt water to spray around your home (a pinch of salt, 8 drops of lavender oil and distilled water)
  2. Burn yellow candles – they are said to bring clarity & intellegence
  3. Meditate… Mercury is the messenger after all and will offer some terrific insights.
  4. Relax and just be.  Give yourself & others space until it’s over.  Hold off on any large decisions &/or conversations.

Look at your chart to see where Mercury resides … which house is it in?  This will offer some insight on how/where you will be effected.




PS.  And just throwing this out there.  My Astrological Colouring Book which offers space for you to record special occasions and dates to remember.  It’s adorable.



PPS.  Here’s a link that offers even more info on this specific retrograde:   http://astrologyking.com/mercury-retrograde/



Brain Gym

My husband came home perplexed after someone said…

What has 4 letters, sometimes has 9 letters and never has 5 letters.

He asked me “What is the answer?  The guy who said it wouldn’t tell me.”


I had so much fun with this.

I shared it with my Dad and it felt like a “Who’s on 1st” conversation.

Dad, I explained, “It’s a statement not a question.”

“What is it?”

Me, “That has 4 letters.”



“I’m too tired for this.  Just tell me.”

“I just did!”


“That’s the answer it’s a statement, not a question.”


“That’s right.  It has four letters, sometimes has 9 letters”

“Mom…”  Dad called, “Get the phone, our daughter is driving me crazy!”

Silliness & fun!

Enjoy the week,




I found it so funny this week when my hubby came home from work and mentioned he received a text message saying, “OMW”.  He said, “What the heck does that mean?”

I guess there were 8 others in the room 50 years young and none of them could figure it out.  I said, “That means on my may”.  He said, “How do you know that?  And why wouldn’t she just have said that in the first place!”

I told him he should have asked her.  He said, “No way… if you don’t speak normally than I’m not responding to that!”  LOL.. too funny.  It is speaking normally in text messaging.  Some in that generation are working towards keeping up.

It reminds me of some of the other vocabularies we hear and don’t know.  Like “Netflix and chill” or “Cake by the ocean”.  These situations aren’t all that new.  Back in the day it was gnarly, to the max, where’s the beef, gag me with a spoon… lol 80’s slang. I’m sure we could go on and on with terms for every generation that changes the way we communicate.  Some of the terms will pass.  However I have a feeling the ‘new’ internet slang isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.



Have a great week ahead!



PS.  And when in doubt google it!


Finally summer has arrived, but so far the rain hasn’t stopped.  Let’s hope the entire summer won’t be a wash out.

I live in a wooden century home which needs to be painted.  We didn’t get to it last year because of construction across the road.  There was so much dust & debris from the construction we weren’t able to get close to the job.  And so far this year the weather is stopping us from getting to it as well; either too wet or too humid.

Funny how the universe slows us down sometimes.  Being a Sagittarius I’m not the best at this.  I like to be on the go and get things done.

A few years ago my Mom was hit by a truck (unfortunately) while walking and is still working toward healing from it’s aftereffects.  When I told mentioned the slow down she said, “Better to slow down this way than to get hit by a truck.”  … good point Mom!

I’m working toward allowing and accepting this new pace; even if this is the last thing I’m ready to do.  I’m breathing into the openness of the season and enjoying life one moment at a time.

May you allow yourself to slow it down too!



PS.  I finished “I’m a Dragon” colouring book… check it out, better yet go buy one!  Colouring is a great stress reliever & a good way to slow down!



Happy Father’s Day weekend

A fast shout out to all the amazing father’s in the world!

May you be blessed with an extraordinary year filled with those you love & enjoy, health and wellness!

And just because it’s Friday here’s a flashback for you of my Dad and I from 2016…it is a little blurry, but we were on a bus at the time…


Happy Father’s Day!



PS.  Oh and “I’m a Dragon” my Chinese Zodiac colouring book will be live on Amazon pretty soon (this weekend I’m hoping)!  Here’s the link

PPS.  Now some have asked why I’d name the books such silly titles if they are created for adults.  Well, everytime I’m in a situation (normally out for Chinese food) and there is a placemat that shows the Zodiac on it whomever I’m with will say, “I’m a ______” or “I think I’m a ____________”  Hence the name!  Enjoy a fantastic week